Dry Brushing History & How To
Cleopatra’s beauty routine involved some really questionable and extreme rituals, but there is one that so many of us are adopting and it’s becoming really popular really quickly. What is that you may ask? Dry brushing.
While dry brushing seems to be popping up on beauty blogs and Instagram accounts around the world, the origin of this trend dates back thousands of years ago. The Ancient Egyptians were the pioneers of many extreme beauty rituals and although dry brushing may not seem “extreme” per se, it was something they would do each morning before bathing to keep their skin soft. Afterwards, they would exfoliate with enzymes from sour milk and wine. We have traded the latter for moisturizer, but clearly they were on to something.
If you’ve heard of this beauty ritual, maybe you’re curious and interested in trying it, but have no idea where to begin. There is definitely a right way to dry brush your body to ensure you get the most out of it and do not irritate your skin. With the release of the Kiki Kreme dry brush, we want to help you properly introduce dry brushing into your beauty regimen.
Step One: Make sure your skin is COMPLETELY dry.
It is so important to have non-moisturized, dry skin to complete this process properly. You want to be able to brush off all the dead skin and if there is water or moisturizer already on the skin, it will not work.
Step Two: Rub the Brush Over the Body in the Correct Pattern
Start at your ankles or hands and brush up your body, always towards your heart. Make long strokes, going over each area 2-3 times. Once you reach your belly, brush clockwise over this area. Make sure to apply enough pressure to stimulate circulation, but not so much pressure that it hurts. It should never hurt.
Why do you stroke towards the heart?
Brushing towards your heart at all times ensures you are working with the body’s lymph flow and encourages the best results.
Step Three: Shower and Moisturize
Take a cool shower to remove the dry skin. If the water is too hot, it could irritate the skin you’ve just brushed. Dry off gently and then apply an oil to moisturize the skin.
Dry brushing is a really simple process and should take no more than 3-5 minutes, but the results can be really beneficial. While you may want to do this every morning to get results faster, do not dry brush more than 1-2 time per week. If you have sensitive skin, dry brushing every 1-2 weeks may be enough. You never want to hurt or irritate your skin.
That said, also practice caution if you have a skin condition like eczema or any open wounds. Maybe avoid those areas, or be very gentle. Listen to your body.
Lastly, dry brushes do need to be replaced every 6-12 months, as the bristles will wear out and not be as effective if used for too long. By that point, you will have experienced the results and replacing your brush will be a worthwhile investment.
Dry brushing can be very invigorating and requires a low investment in both time and money. Kiki Kreme now offers their own dry brush and we cannot wait to be a part of your weekly beauty routine. You can find our dry brushes HERE and refer back to this blog so that you can get the most out of dry brushing.